Beet Juice Recipe

We have been juicing here in Creative Ajay’s kitchen. To kick things off this year, I created a beet juice recipe so that I can take advantage of the numerous benefits of this superfood. Beets are rich in antioxidants, and they also have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. They also help to enhance athletic performance by improving the body’s endurance. 

There’s just something so pure and refreshing about extracting the fresh liquid out of a plant yourself. It makes you appreciate the goodness even more. I incorporated other natural ingredients to enhance the flavor and increase the volume of the final product.

The current recipe calls for:

  • 4 large beets
  • 3 cucumbers
  • 1 pound of carrots
  • 4 apples 
  • 1 thumb of ginger (or about ¼ cup).

The video recipe can be found here and you can watch it below:

The result: a smooth and tasty drink that concurrently provides a burst of nutrients and great benefits for the body. 

When was the last time you juiced? Are you making use of nature’s goodness through juicing? 

About The Author


Alecia is the founder and editor of When she’s not writing articles for her blog, she’s busy whipping up delectable dishes in her happy place, Creative Ajay’s kitchen.