What is Getting me Through the Quarantine: Diary of a New Plant Mom

I recently became a new mom…a new mom of 6…..of 6 plants that is, and I’m proud to announce that I’ve been keeping them alive. The oldest, my majesty palm, I’ve had for a month. To be honest, she was recently pruned, as one of her poor fronds showed little hope of surviving as seen by its fully yellow and brown foliage. But, we’re keeping hope alive as all the other fronds are looking green and lush.

Being at home 24/7 meant that I had to make it the most pleasant and welcoming space for me. I had thoughts of completely redecorating my space, which would entail getting everything from a new couch to new wall art. I knew that Amazon would be happy for my coins, but I had to talk myself out of it. I was simply bored of being at home all day long, looking at the same four walls.

Then I discovered my new love, my new crush, my new everything. My obsession with a living organism that is neither human nor animal. I discovered my utter obsession with plants. 

I never thought I would be so obsessed with having plants, but I’m totally stoked. Every chance I get, I want to go to the nursery so I can score some more. The plant nursery has slowly become my candy store and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Since we keep it real on Creative Ajay, I’ll shamelessly add that I’m addicted!

Monstera Deliciosa - House Plant
Monstera Deliciosa

For me, these green stems and leaves are really more than just a plant. Indeed, they’re healing, and they’re therapy. My greatest excitement is to behold the life and light that emanates from a pot with my plant. A real blessing. A pick-me-up when I’m down. Something that truly brightens my home and my life every day. 

I think I’m most excited when there are signs of new growth. When I see a light-green curled leaf, I know that in little or no time, that beauty will soon grow into a mature leaf. So far, I’ve had the pleasure of observing the growth of three new leaves on my monstera, with their splits and all, just the way I like it.

The excitement of misting my plants every day brings me even more joy. I’ve tasked myself with the duty of keeping them alive, and so far, I think I’ve done a darn good job at it. 

So far, all of my kiddos are all doing well. My collection consists of a golden pothos, a Bird of Paradise, a Majesty Palm, a Monstera Delciosa, a snake plant and a rosette succulent. I have a feeling that this bunch is secretly wishing for more siblings, but I have to practice wallet-control by refraining to go to the nursery every chance I get. 

Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise

Being in quarantine has not been easy. This whole experience has reminded me that so much of our life as humans relied on our ability to be within 6 feet of each other. Oh, I miss the simple pre-quarantine things that I used to take for granted. At this moment, I challenge us all to embrace and make the most of this new normal that we have. I’m super grateful for my new green friends that have served as a symbol of hope over the past weeks.

What is getting you through the quarantine? Have you tried a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to try? 

Bye for now from me and my plants..…we gon’ get through this together.

About The Author


Alecia is the founder and editor of CreativeAjay.com. When she’s not writing articles for her blog, she’s busy whipping up delectable dishes in her happy place, Creative Ajay’s kitchen.