Best of Creative Ajay: Our Feature of Tal Peleg

Tal is an Israeli artist that I discovered some years ago while scrolling through my Instagram feed. When I had to stop for a moment and stare in awe, I knew that there was something special about her. She uses the eyelid as a canvas for her art, and the outcome is quite magical. The more I admired her artistry, the more transfixed I became. 

“I close my eyes so I can see” – PC: Tal Peleg

In true Creative Ajay fashion, we reached out to her so we could learn more about her work and how she conceived her amazing designs. Her images are still been pinned all over Pinterest, which tells how much of an impact her work has made. 

PC: Tal Peleg

Tal had this to say about her work:

Creative Ajay: “Your work is featured on Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Telegraph online and on a number of other popular sites. What kind of reaction do you get from viewers and fans when they are first introduced to your artistic world?”

Tal: “Mostly the reactions are very positive. People seem to love it and find it as a fun, colorful and a unique form of art, so most of the reactions are really nice and supportive. A lot of people are wondering how exactly I do it, what products I use and so on. On the other hand, there are sometimes people who don’t understand makeup as a form of art, they think it’s actually supposed to be wearable makeup and they find it confusing, so I have received some reactions such as “why?” (why not) or “This is too much makeup” (you don’t say!). But overall, people really seem to enjoy it and they understand this as an art.”

PC: Tal Peleg

Creative Ajay: “There’s a great deal of intricacy and precision that is evident in your artwork. How difficult is it to achieve so much depth and detail in an area as small as the eyelid?

Tal Peleg: “It’s not easy, it takes time and patience, but this is a challenge and this is part of the fun in it. It also takes experience–in the beginning my looks were less detailed, and in time I was pushing my limits and challenging myself into doing more and more detailed and complicated eye-designs.”

Tal exemplifies the true meaning of our mantra here at Creative Ajay; She’s Bold, Alluring, & Different!

About The Author


Alecia is the founder and editor of When she’s not writing articles for her blog, she’s busy whipping up delectable dishes in her happy place, Creative Ajay’s kitchen.