Be Bold. Be Alluring. Be Different
When Creative Ajay first launched back in 2013, our tagline, our message, and our mantra was to “Be Bold. Be Alluring. Be Different.” It is 2020, and this has not changed. This was top among some of the elements that we decided to retain.
Be Bold:
Are you taking risks, or are you just playing it safe? Being bold is a measure of your strength, what you exude, and how you approach different situations. Being bold allows you to partake in experiences that were perhaps viewed out of bounds for you. People tend to judge you or initially size you up, and will try to guess if you’re an easy target. But when they’re met with boldness, that is something that they are not usually expecting. And trust me, being bold is almost certain to dictate the way that they treat you. That is, with the utmost respect!
Be Alluring:
Creative Ajay started out as a platform that shared a ton of crazy ass makeup designs. Doing these artistic creations was just one manifestation of our allure. I’m obsessed with colors and art, and what better canvas than the body to showcase your designs?

Our message is for you to be your own kind of beautiful. Create lasting impressions with your allure and your charm. Leave them questioning, and wondering who you are.
You have the power to captivate and to transfix.
Be Different!
Why try to blend in when you can stand out? Isn’t the goal to express your individuality and your uniqueness? Perhaps I’m one of the few people who still does not own a pair of the very “popular” Vans® Ward sneakers. I remembered when they hit the market a few years back. Everyone, their mama, and their papa, were rocking these joints. Now, where are they? Resting in sneaker heaven?

This piece is not about Vans® or their recent cult effect. Essentially, what we’re saying here is that there is no need to blend in when you can stand out. Not necessarily from an “attire” standpoint, but significantly, in terms of your perspectives and ideology. Often times, being different is not the popular choice. Sometimes you’re left standing on your own, but as long as you’re standing in your truth, that is the greatest assurance one can have. Unfortunately, many people have lived their lives by following the masses, just to play it safe, even when there is an ethical dilemma at play. Here are Creative Ajay, we’re pushing to change the tired and old narrative of following the crowd just to be on the popular team.
Are you being Bold, Alluring & Different?